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Yang, Y., McCabe, S. & Hindman, M. (2024), Does Russian propaganda lead or follow? Topic coverage, user engagement, and RT and Sputnik’s agenda influence on US media, International Journal of Press/Politics. 


Lukito, J., Greenfield, J., Yang, Y., Dahlke, R., Brown, M., Lewis, R. & Chen, B. (2024), Audio as data tools: Replicating computational data processing, Media and Communication. Vol (12)


Yang, Y. (2024). Rethinking right-wing media in the wake of an attempted coup. In K. White, D. Kreiss, S. McGregor & R. Tromble (Ed.), Media and January 6th (pp. 144-155), Oxford University Press.


Zou, W., Li, J., Yang, Y., & Tang, L. (2023). Exploring the Early Adoption of Open AI among Laypeople and Technical Professionals: An Analysis of Twitter Conversations on# ChatGPT and# GPT3. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1-12.


Yang, Y., Davis, T., & Hindman, M. (2023). Visual misinformation on Facebook. Journal of Communication.


Lukito, J., Gursky, J., Foley, J., Yang, Y., Joseff, K. & Borah, P. (2023), “No reason[.] [I]t /should/ happen here”: Analyzing Flynn’s retroactive doublespeak during a QAnon event, Political Communication.


Yang, Y. & Bennett, W. L. (2021). Interactive Propaganda: How Fox News and Donald Trump co-produced false narratives about the Covid-19 crisis. In P. Van Aelst & J. Blumler (Ed.), Political Communication in the Time of Coronavirus (pp. 83-100), Routledge.


Bennett, W. L., Segerberg, A. & Yang, Y. (2018). The strength of peripheral networks, Negotiating attention and meaning in complex media ecologies, Journal of Communication, 68(4), 659-684.


Zhou, Y. & Yang, Y. (2018). Mapping contentious discourse in China: Activist’ discursive strategies and their coordination with media, Asian Journal of Communication, 28(4), 416-433.


Hsiao, Y. & Yang, Y. (2018). Commitment in the cloud: Social media participation in the Sunflower Movement, Information, Communication & Society, 21(7), 996-1013.


Yang, Y. (2016). How large-scale protests succeed in China: The story of issue opportunity structure, social media, and violence, International Journal of Communication, 10(20), 2895-2914.


Zhou, Y. & Yang, Y. (2017). Media strategy of social contention in China: Comparing environmental and land requisition protests, Communication &Society [in Chinese], Vol(40)[2017 best paper award amongst top Chinese academic journals published in the area of journalism and communication studies, Chinese Journalism Annual Report 2017, Sun Yat-Sen University]


Shi, A. & Yang, Y. (2017). Reformulating the field of political communication in the post-truth era, originally published on Journal of International Communication [in Chinese], Vol(9), later Included in Journalism and Communication [in Chinese], 2018(1)


Shi, A. & Yang, Y. (2013). Chinese translation of Bennett, W. L. & Segerberg A.’s “The logic of    connective action: Digital media and the personalization of contentious politics” (连接性行动的逻辑:数字媒体和个人化的抗争性政治)Communication & Society (TSSCI), 2013, Vol26, 211-246.

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